After the storm, there's a calm

After the storm, there's a calm
Through the clouds shines a ray of the sun
I am carried from all of my harm
There is no one that I can't outrun
Now I'm leaving my worries behind
Feel the freedom of body and mind
I have started my journey, 
I'm drifting away with the wind
I go... 
I am hunting high and low
Diving from the sky above 
Looking for more, and more
Once again,
I am hunting high and low
Sometimes I may win
Sometimes I'll lose.
It's just a game 
that I play..

"Hunting High and Low" - Stratovarius


  1. Prima esta perfeito o texto..
    Arrasou como sempre linda.
    Parabéns seu Blog ta massa.


  2. isso é uma piada!doida!


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